
Foundations are the fundamental base of everything we build. Whether you’re designing and building a landfill, a roadway, a house, or a skyscraper, the integrity, strength and stability of the foundation is a critical factor.
CATLIN’s in-house certified well drillers, fleet of drilling rigs and support vehicles, and soil laboratory allow us to provide full range of geotechnical subsurface investigations, site characterization, testing, and engineering.
Subsurface Investigation
Drilling & Field Services
Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Laboratory
Subsurface Investigation
From subsurface investigation to laboratory testing and engineering design – CATLIN can provide comprehensive geotechnical services including:
Full service drilling capabilities including but not limited to:
Direct Push Technology
Mud Rotary
Air Rotary
Rock Coring
In-situ soil testing via:
Standard Penetration Testing (SPT)
Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT)
Flat Dilatometer Testing (DMT)
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
Drilling & Field Services
CATLIN’s In-House Equipment includes:
Rotary Drills (skid, trailer, rubber-tire ATV, and track mount)
Direct Push Technology (truck and track mount)
Cone Penetration Testing (track mount)
Vibracore Sampling System
Water borne and amphibious capabilities additionally available
In-situ soil testing via:
Standard Penetration Testing (SPT)
Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT)
Flat Dilatometer Testing (DMT)
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
Field Geologists to oversee drilling activities
Geotechnical Engineering
CATLIN’s Geotechnical Engineering Services for the investigation, analysis, design, and review of shallow and deep foundations, piles, drilled shafts, retaining structures, roadways, bridges, buildings, site development, and other similar or more complex analyses include:
Shallow Foundation Analyses (Bearing Capacity, Settlement)
Deep Foundation Analyses (Lateral, Axial and Uplift Capacities for Driven Piles and Drilled Shafts)
LRFD Design Methods
Wave Equation (GRLWEAP) Analyses for Driven Piles
Slope Stability & Retaining Structure Design
Pavement Analysis & Design
Earthwork and Foundation Construction Recommendations
Site Development Feasibility Studies
Geologic Reconnaissance
Ground Improvement Recommendations
Groundwater and Drainage Control
Soil Laboratory
CATLIN’s In-House Geotechnical Laboratory supports our engineering services for the evaluation of soil integrity. Our laboratory is located in Wilmington, NC and is certified by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT).
We use ASTM and AASHTO methods to complete the following tests:
Visual Classification
Particle Size Analysis with Hydrometer
Grain Size Analysis
Wash 200 Sieve Analysis
Standard Proctor
Modified Proctor
California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Specific Gravity
Moisture Content
Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, Plasticity Index (Atterberg Limits)
Hydraulic Conductivity (Triaxial Flexible Wall Permeability)
Permeability of Granular Soils
Bulk Density & Porosity Determination
Organic Content

Certified Soil Laboratory - USACE, NCDOT
AASHTO Accredited Soil Laboratory
NCDEQ Division of Water Resources Field Parameters Certification