Site Development and Civil Engineering
We have the technical expertise to deliver integrated Civil, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering projects.
Civil engineering and site permitting are critical for the success of development projects. Here at CATLIN, we are very familiar with the regulatory requirements for civil/site development and will work with you to develop a site layout that meets your specific functional, aesthetic, and environmental goals, and expedites construction.
Planning - Studies / Reports
Site Design
Water & Wastewater Design
Stormwater Management
Development Permitting
Construction Administration
Planning – Studies / Reports
Property Due Diligence
Site Investigation Reports
Utility Extension Requests
Zoning Applications
Land Subdivision
Cost Estimating
Site Design
Site Grading and Drainage Design
Site Utility Design
Site Paving Design
Stormwater Detention Ponds/BMPs
Erosion Control Design
Water and Wastewater Design
Water Distribution Systems
Wastewater Collection Systems
Utility Rehabilitation Projects
Well and Wellfield Design
Stormwater Management
Phase I & II NPDES Permit Support
Hydraulics and Hydrology
Stormwater Detention/Retention
Watershed Studies
Development Permitting
Site Development Permits
NCDEQ Permits – Stormwater, Erosion Control, Water, Sewer, Wetlands and Streams 401 Water Quality, CAMA, etc.
SCDHEC Permits - CZC, NPDES, Construction, Water, Wastewater, etc.
Department of Transportation – Driveway, Encroachment, Turn Lanes, etc.
US Army Corps of Engineers
Construction Document Permitting
Final Certifications
Construction Administration
Construction Observation
Bidding and Negotiations
Cost Estimating
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Spill Prevention and Control Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
Facility Response Plans (FRP)